Parks to visit _b

Top Three Parks to visit in Lubbock, TX 

What are some of the best parks to visit in Lubbock, Texas?

The world is a better place now compared to what it was in the previous two years. Ever since the Covid pandemic took a hold of the modern world, people have been constrained to their homes. But thanks to vaccination efforts, the world is slowly getting back to normal. Hence, it is time you plan a normal day out with your family, just like the old days! And if you are wondering, “What are some of the best parks to visit in Lubbock, Texas?”; we at Red Dirt Motorcycles have put together this article to give you a better idea. 

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A father and child photographing how they look on a used motorcycle

Common Mistakes Made While Purchasing a Pre-Owned Motorcycle

What are the Mistakes to Avoid When Buying a Used Motorcycle 

Buying used motorbikes is not the same as putting money into a new one. It is important that you know more about the vehicle before you can take it home. Signing the deal and riding it to the next destination isn’t so difficult; the challenge lies in paying attention to the details that later pose issues while riding. Choosing a used motorcycle also entails the process of going through numerous brochures and websites. However, it’s been simplified now with the options offered at affordable rates and after proper tours. Moreover, there isn’t the drawback of scanty features or choices. Red Dirt Motorcycle Company in Lubbock has a wide selection of pre-owned motorcycles worth buying. Firstly, let’s see what are the mistakes to avoid when buying a used motorcycle so that you don’t end up with a broken-down vehicle on the road. 

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Roasted eggplant vegetarian food

Here are the Top 3 Restaurants You Can Visit in Lubbock, Texas

Top 3 Restaurants to Visit in Lubbock, TX 

Texas cuisine has influences from Souther, Czech, German, British, African American, Native American, Creole, Asian, Italian, and Jewish cultures. Also, the influence from the neighboring country of Mexico is immense in the Texas food culture. The beautiful city of Lubbock, in Texas, is home to the state’s largest wine grape production and a haven to some of the famous restaurant choices in the state that serves authentic Texas cuisines. Continue reading the blog by Red Dirt Motorcycle Company dealership to learn more about the top three restaurants to visit in Lubbock, TX. 

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A technician cleaning and repairing a motorcycle

Benefits of Regular Maintenance and Inspection of Your Motorcycle

Why You Should Get Your Motorcycle Inspected Regularly 

No matter how good a rider you are, your motorcycle requires regular check-ups in order to circumvent the trouble of breaking down in the middle of the road. If you own one and have been on the road for more than a few years, it is highly recommended that you get your vehicle inspected. Give your motorcycle a break today. Meanwhile, check out the following reasons as to why you should get your motorcycle inspected regularly. Once done, it is crucial that you assess the need for your ride to be checked. If your vehicle remains uninspected and deprived of any service, this could be the day that you give your asset some attention. Here’s our view on the importance of maintaining your motorcycle. Visit us at Red Dirt Motorcycle Company in Lubbock, TX, for motorcycle maintenance and inspection. 

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A motorcycle driver puts motorcycle gloves on his hands

How to ride your motorcycle safely during a long road trip

Safe Riding Tips for a Long Road Trip 

Are you planning a solo or group long road trip this new year? Well, there are certain key pointers to keep in mind before you embark on your adventurous journey. These tips and reminders are incredibly significant for your own personal safety. Check out the following list of important tips to keep in mind while going on a long-distance motorcycle trip prepared for you by our team at Red Dirt Motorcycle Company in Lubbock, TX. 

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Kawasaki logo on black green quad bike

The history behind the Kawasaki motorcycle brand

Kawasaki Motorcycles 

Shozo Kawasaki, the legend behind the Kawasaki brand, founded this company back in 1878. A century later, this company has grown into a global enterprise. Kawasaki Motorcycles is the motorcycle and engine division of Kawasaki Heavy Industries. Five decades ago, they started full-scale production of motorcycles. The main intention behind venturing into motorcycle manufacturing was Kawasaki’s constant effort to develop innovative technologies. Continue reading to learn more about the history of Kawasaki Motorcycles presented to you by Red Dirt Motorcycle Company in Lubbock, TX. 

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Closeup view of motorcycles front wheels

Why is it important to do regular checkups for your motorcycle tires?

A brief overview of why to perform regular checkups for your motorcycle tires 

The significance of regular checkups of your motorcycle tires cannot be understated. To avoid costly repairs and unforeseen breakdowns, you must give proper care to the tires of your motorcycle. We at Red Dirt Motorcycle Company in Lubbock, Texas, have listed below a few important tire maintenance tips to keep in mind so that you have a safer riding experience.  

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A motorcycle parked in a winter season and covered in snow

How to winterize your motorcycle this holiday season?

Tips to prepare your bike for winter 

Prepping your motorcycle during winter might not look as easy as it sounds. If you do not take proper care and measures to protect your bike during this winter season, there might be some nasty surprises in store for you. Curious about how to winterize your motorcycle this holiday season? We, at Red Dirt Motorcycle Company in Lubbock, TX, have listed down a few tips below for you to keep in mind.  

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2021 harley davidson iron 883 vs 2021 ducati multistrada 950

A brief differentiation of tourer and cruiser bikes

What is the difference between touring and cruiser bikes?

Freedom never feels better than hopping onto a motorcycle and riding into the sunset. Now, dedicated motorcyclists are involved in the culture regardless of the type of motorcycle they ride. While there are performance-driver enthusiasts who incline more towards fully-faired motorcycles, casual riders go towards touring or cruiser bikes based on their preference. But what exactly is the difference between a tourer and a cruiser bike? Well, let’s have a look.

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Service technician inspecting a motorcycle

Where can I do regular service and maintenance of my motorcycle near Lubbock, TX?

Motorcycle Service and Maintenance in Lubbock, TX  

To keep your motorcycle in optimum condition, it is essential that you do regular maintenance and service at a reliable service station. Ensuring that periodic services are done will make sure that your motorcycle is performing at its peak, and you can have a safe and hassle-free ride. Are you finding it difficult to find a good place near the Lubbock area in Texas to schedule a service for your motorcycle? Your search ends here! Red Dirt Motorcycle Company in Lubbock, TX, provides top-notch services to riders around the area and makes sure that their motorcycles remain in excellent working condition. 

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